Calling all Hackers! Launch Academy will be running “Iron Hacker“, its first hackathon, on December 8th,2012. Iron Hacker is a day-long hackathon in the mould of the Iron Chef television program. On Iron Chef, aspiring chefs must cook with ingredients given to them at the start of the show. Iron Hacker participants will learn the theme of the hackathon the day of the event. This is in stark contrast to most other hackathon events which are centered around an API from either a host or sponsor. Example themes would be “one-player games”, “dating app”, or “viral joke app”.
Iron Hacker is meant to be a developer-centric event where attendees must pass some basic technical hurdles in order to register. This ensures that all attendees have a base level of programming knowledge, and that everyone on your team should be able to contribute.
- Developer teams of 2-4
- After registration the morning of the event, the theme of the hackathon will be revealed, and you have until 7pm to work on your hack
- Use whatever APIs, platforms, or frameworks you like to deliver your app
- In the Launch Academy spirit of “GetSh!tDone”, all presentations must be done on an organizers laptop: i.e.. you need to demo something live on the internet. Exception: native mobile apps
- Prizes awarded by judges based on how functional your team’s app is and how well it fits within the scope of the theme
- “Iron Hacker” trophy will be awarded based on by peer judging of your team’s app
Saturday, Dec 8, 2012, 9am – 9pm
Launch Academy Offices (300 – 128 W Hastings, Vancouver, BC)
Note: we have a small number sponsorship opportunities available for local tech companies. Email the organizers for more information.
Be there or be hacked!