
Blockchain for Developers Industry Night

Are you a Blockchain enthusiast? Interested in learning more and sharing your knowledge with others? Curious to see what you can build with the Blockchain technology?

Join Lighthouse Labs for an evening all about Blockchain development, sparking new industry connections and celebrating our grads.

With our first Blockchain for Developers course in Vancouver coming to an end, we’d like to invite you to meet our current students, check-out their final projects, and learn about the latest trends and the future of Blockchain development. Our students can’t wait to showcase the ÐApps they’ve built utilizing the latest Blockchain technologies, and talk about the challenges they faced while building their solutions using the Ethereum stack. After they demo their exciting projects, we will be hosting a panel, in which a group of industry leaders will share their experience building solutions for the real world as they discuss the architectural considerations that are often missed by developers. This is your opportunity to learn about scalability, performance, interoperability, security and the implications these have in real-world ÐApps.


Dec 04 2018


06:00 PM - 08:30 PM

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